Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Daily SHOOT! - Budapest at Sunset

Budapest at Sunset, originally uploaded by tgtwb.

We walked through the city just when dusk is breaking. To the naked eye, it definitely looked like the sky was on fire, burning bright orange rays - which within a few minutes would totally engulf the city in darkness of the night.

It was the summer's worst in Europe during this period (2005) and i believe that it was also during the summer's "Hot Spell" that people from all over Europe are dying from heat stroke. Both Meebops and I were young, free-spirited, adventurous Travelling Teddies then (we still are, less the "young" bit though!) and even in this heat, we were optimistic and carefree - going where the feet takes us.

Of course, that attitude has to come with a lot of patience. We also had to take bottles of carbonated mineral water (which we soo hated, but that's all they had!) with us WHEREVER we go - EVEN TO SLEEP! It was HOT, DRY, HOT and HOT!

Well, the heat got to even the best of us. And i think, all who travel in twos and more will agree that there may be times when frustrations and selfishness gets in the way of a common compromise and understanding.

And that's what happened to us! We argued, we made up and then went for swimming at Hungary's famous bath house! Which is A-MUST in Hungary by the way.

And Oooo... You can choose to don a swimsuit or opt to do it in your birthday suit! *wink*

Sadly, this was also where we experienced bigotry and blatant white-supremacy-colonialism from........ a cashier at the supermarket!!! Meebops can tell you all about that!


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