Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Cubbies Said: My Bestest And Worstest Vacation Ever Was...

Grrr... oowl!!!

I have yet to draft out even juicier details about our vunderful trip to Melbourne (including the false fire alarm at 3am) but in the meantime, i need to keep the blog going in good momentum! Haha!

So i thought i'd put up answers i gave to a humanoid who once asked Cubbies 3 of probably very common but FUN! questions. Everyone has an answer to this. Anyone and everyone who travels often has something to say! :)

Best Vacation Ever!
San Francisco, California

Been to so many places and loved them all but i suppose the best vacation i had was to San Francisco, California - because that was where i met my bestest friend in the world who shares not only my passion for life, love and travel but who is bearishly smackin' good-lookin', like me! - now what can be better than that? *dreamy sigh*

Putting that aside, its pretty easy for one to fall in love with San Francisco... Why? Because SF is a gorgeous "sea-town" where you get a perfect concoction of that bustling metropolitan kick, yet laced with an added touch of that snobbish Victorian feel and nostalgia... And if you take a drive out of the city centre, you get the hills and the greens! If you've been to SF and loved it, Cubbies can guarantee that you will love Melbourne - which according to my bearish taste, is the twin sister city :) Loved them both.

Worst Vacation Ever!
Malacca City, Malaysia

Strangely, i've never had a really really terrible vacation. OH! Except the most recent one where my family and i were on a weekend getaway to historic city of Malacca in Malaysia (which is just a 3 hour drive from where i live). We rented an MPV from a guy and his stupid vehicle broke down, the first night we were there, which left us stranded - missing school, work etc.

I don't know why we decided to help out and send the car for repair on his behalf (stupid stupid stupid!). But, the car could not be repaired immediately so we were forced to stay another night until the owner drive over with a new car for us to get home. No refunds, nothing from the guy. I am still fuming mad that we had to fork out a lot of money for a supposedly budget vacation. It's just plain stupid.

Where Would I Rather Be Right Now?

Anywhere, really...

Anywhere but home. I can find anything and everything i need, both to satisfy my wanderlust and my eternal quest for intrinsic satisfaction anywhere else on earth, but home. Home is stifling, too many demands, commitments, expectations... Life is more than that. Life is about living it, not slowly screwing it up!

So thats what i said to the humanoids... But i suppose the best answer to sum all this up is to say, you know what, JUST PUT YOUR FEET UP and ENJOY THE JOURNEY - the good, the bad, the ugly - IT IS AN EXPERIENCE THAT IS TO DIE FOR :)

Better than being home anyways... BAH!!!


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