Friday, January 23, 2009

The Daily SHOOT! - Rice Paddy Field

Rice Paddy Field, originally uploaded by tgtwb.

Snapped a picture on our long, strenuous climb up to the Sindang Gile Waterfall, which was near Mount Rinjani.

The climb is not for the too old or the too young, because the pathways are tiny, probably only slightly larger than you 2 feet put together. Climbing it on a wet day (which we did) will be dirty and slippery - which not good considering the height between where we're climbing down to the ditch below spell dead-by-then.

But Lombok, just like its famous neighbour, Bali, is where you can find plenty of picturesque landscape of paddy fields that will constantly rapt you in awe.

There's so much that these islands have to offer. We never grew tired of it - always something there for everyone...


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